Students » 8th Grade Promotion & Activities Participaton Criteria

8th Grade Promotion & Activities Participaton Criteria

8th Grade Promotion & End of Year Activities Participation Criteria

Promotion ceremony

  • No F’s
  • No required GPA, as long as there are no Fs in any class.
  • Case by case as needed for disciplinary action. 


End of Year Activities (BBQ & Pancake Breakfast)

  • No restrictions for pancake breakfast
  • BBQ- If the student is not promoting, the student does not attend BBQ.
  • (Tentative) 8th grade vs. Staff activity: If the student is not promoting, the student does not participate or attend the activity.


Notifying Parents of Students with D/F

  • At the 5 week grading period during the third quarter, identify students with D/F in any class and hold parent meetings about the possibility of not being promoted. 
  • At the end of April, repeat the process of identifying students with Fs and hold teacher/parent/student meetings. They have 1 month to bring up grades to participate in the promotion.