Mrs. Emilie Wisner » Welcome!


Welcome to what I know will be an amazing year in math. I have a lot of things in store for you all. We will be doing some amazing projects and experiments so it won't be your normal math class. You will be expected to think, learn, ask questions, and drive your own learning.

Please visit our class webpage:

Required Daily Materials for 7th Grade Math
Your name needs to be on everything!
5 separate spiral notebooks (these need to be separate, as you will be turning one in while working on another)
Several glue sticks (the average student needs 1 per quarter)
Headphones or earbuds
At least 2 pencils- mechanical preferred ** All work must be done in PENCIL! Papers will not be accepted if work is done in pen.
Several Dry erase markers
Big Eraser
2 colored pens for correcting (any color)